Sunday, September 11, 2011

Halloween will be here before you know it!

It seems earlier and earlier every year that the stores put out their Halloween decorations and costumes on display. With that ,comes a hefty price tag as well. In light of the economy these days, it would seem impossible for some to get into the "spirit" of Halloween without dropping some serious cash! However, I hope to let you in on some tips and techniques to make your Halloween fun, exciting, creative and affordable!

I have always loved Halloween since I was a little girl. The idea of being able to transform into a different version of yourself by using your imagination and creativity has always been fun for me. Now that I have children, I have shared this tradition with them. Every Halloween is an adventure and an opportunity to let our creative juices flow!

After seeing all the Halloween items in the stores, my sons start talking about what they want to be for Halloween. Over the years, I have made costumes such as an ice cream sundae, Willy Wonka,a headless waiter, bobble head costume, and a "stick" figure just to name a few. Everyone that has seen these costumes has absolutely loved them...and the one common thing everyone says is.."I wish I could do that..I am just not "creative"." Well, you don't have to be "crafty" to create a costume or just have to have fun and enjoy!  It's great to work together with family and friends to make lasting memories!

Over the next few weeks, I will share tips and ideas for costumes and decorations that are easy, affordable and yes...simply  SPOOKTACULAR!